Updated: March 20, 2023
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by Dmytro Sywyi
Tech Expert & Writer
861 resolved issues

I have a newly purchased Dell Inspiron 3910 with 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD hard drive

The 256 GB is in C: and the 1TB data is in D: If data stores in D: is it accessable to apps in C:?

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Nice to meet you, *****!
It doesn't matter where the apps and data are stored on C or D, it should work fine. Do you have any issues with some apps?

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I just got the computer yesterday. After loading most of my data I checked and it shows only 31 GB of space left in the 256 SSD. After I use this up will it automatically start saving to the D: 1TB data drive. I am 77 years old and not at all computer savy. I don't want to lose photos and genealogy data I began saving since 1988 on 5 1/2 floppys on a old Tandy 1000.

But they won't be deleted, *****. It just will start saving new files on another drive

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Will my genealogy apps in C: drive by able to access data from drive C: and drive D:

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The division into C and D does not affect the operation of applications in any way. Many applications that are installed on the D drive store the files they need on the C drive, and this is normal.

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Thanks I haven't encountered this before. All my data has been on one drive in the past.

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