Updated: March 11, 2023
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by Christine Tomas
Tech Expert & Writer
1461 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Networks, Tablets, Computers

I need to resolve the mix up with my Apple ID

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Customer Replay

A few days ago, while entering my ID for a service, I accidentally typed and extra j at the beginning of my Id. It is supposed to start with *****@gmail.com...instead it says *****@gmail. When asked to confirm my ID I can't get in and also am not able to correct it back to the original. I have been terribly busy and not able to get back till now. Please find a way to have my Apple ID corrected


Did you use a phone number for this Apple ID account?

Customer Replay

I have a phone # for text and cell phone. Do you need that now?

Have you used your phone number when you create your Apple ID account?

Customer Replay

It is *****
I created it quite a while ago. I. don't know

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Please, follow the instructions below to change your Apple ID email address:

  1. Go to appleid.apple.com and sign in.
  2. In the Sign-In and Security section, choose Apple ID.
  3. Enter the email address that you want to use as your Apple ID.
  4. Choose Change Apple ID.
    In step 1, you can sign in to your account using a phone number.
Customer Replay

My Apple ID is my gmail address..I don't want to have a new one

Yes, but you can also use a phone number to sign in.

Customer Replay

Sorry...I misunderstood. I will try this

Thank you.

Customer Replay


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Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Customer Replay

No...but I live in a small town..no Apple stores near, so this really helps.

I understand.
Thank you for chatting with us today!
We are available 24/7, you can refer your questions anytime. Have a nice one!

Customer Replay

It's a lot better now that you have helped!

Glad to help you!

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