Updated: April 04, 2023
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by Daniel Moore
Tech Expert & Writer
1184 resolved issues

I have a TG6 camera and am having issues with it

I cannot get the day date time stamp to show up on the photos when I look at them on my computer

Hello, thank you for contacting Howly! I am here to help you today! May I know your first name, please?

Customer Replay


Nice to meet you, *****!
Are your date and time set on your camera?

Customer Replay

yes they are

I see, and do you see a "date" icon when shooting pictures?

Customer Replay

Yes I see the date and time when I take the photos but am getting 2 seperate files for each photo and neither show the date and time
Visitor uploaded: image.JPG
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 1837370
Visitor uploaded: image.JPG
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 1837370

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I found this in the manual


Click or tap on the numbers to view the image, please.

Customer Replay

it shows the jpg and then a ORF files for the same photo

Did you do the previous reccomendations?

Customer Replay

I don't relly understand how to check the settings. The camera was working fine until the last time I took photos
Visitor uploaded: image.JPG
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 2662892
Here is a previous photo with the date time stamp

And the next one?

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.JPG
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 2541539

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Customer Replay

The ones I took last week the date time show on the camera but not when I load them to the computer

Customer Replay

I get JPG and right next to it a ORF. file This is the 1st time this has happened

Press the ok button when the initial setup dialog is displaying prompting you to select a language

Customer Replay

which icon is that on when I press menu?

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Customer Replay

I really don't understand what you are asking

Do you press ok button?

Customer Replay

is there a phone number that we can work on.

Unfortunately, we currently don't have an option to communicate via calls. However, I am ready to tackle this problem with you right now via chat.

Customer Replay



Customer Replay

is there a way I could send you a screenshot showing what it shows when I try to look at th ephotos on my computer?

Sure, if you can

Customer Replay

I am not really computer savvy
You would have to tell me how to do it

No, you need to do it on your camera

Customer Replay

That is the issue. I cant show you on the camera

But you can describe it.

Customer Replay


thank you!

Customer Replay

On the view screen on the camera

Customer Replay

Top left Battery level, to the right top mid screen a small "smiley face'

Do you press ok?

Customer Replay

When I press OK it goes to WB Auto screen
correction Auto Focus screen

1 Press the MENU button to display the menu

Customer Replay

How do I reset to "Factory Specs"

Why do you want do you it?

Customer Replay

Maybe it will clean up the issues I am having. I may have it a wrong setting sometime in th epast week that is causing the problems I am having.

It's not neccesary.
Do you find the menu button?

Customer Replay

Yes it is prominent below the ring around the OK button

Do you press it?

Customer Replay

You keep asking me the same thing which I do but I dont understand what to do next
When I do thts it shows a camera with a 1

What do you see on your camera screen?

Customer Replay

A camera with a 2
the movie symbol
a rectangle with a right arrow
a kind of star symbol
and then a wrench symbol


OK I have done that and it goes to the setup menu

Customer Replay

In setup you need to choose Settings

Date time shows
below that is time zone

Customer Replay

What else opinions do you see?

and then auto time adjust
right now it is on Pacific time zone but it says 14;32 but the actual time is 15:32
and Auto time adjust id on

Customer Replay

Then change it

Customer Replay

What else option sn time do you see?

Time zone and auto time adjust

Customer Replay
  1. Step 1 Press the "Playback" button on your camera. The playback button is the button with the right facing arrow on the right hand side of the camera.
  2. Step 2 Use the directional arrow keys, which surround the "OK" button in the middle of the camera, to scroll to "Print Order" and press the "OK" button.
  3. Step 3 Scroll to the individual print option, which is the first option and looks like a single sheet of paper, and press the "OK" button.
  4. Step 4 Use the directional arrows to scroll to the image that you want to add the time and date to and press the "OK" button.
  5. Step 5 Use the directional arrows to scroll to date and press the "OK" button and scroll to the time option and press the "OK" button to add the time to the photo. Use the arrow to scroll to "Set" and press the "OK" button to save the time and date addition.

is thet a photo showing the playback button thst will show me th elocation?
*there* not thet

Customer Replay

Playback button with the play sign

not sure what rhe plan* sign you are talking about is
*play* sign


Customer Replay

OK but when I try scrolling nothing says print order
all I see is the erase option

Customer Replay

scrool right and left just moves to the next photo either up of down

Please back you camera menu settings

Customer Replay

which protion of the menu?

Try to find date stamp

Customer Replay

set to date and time

Customer Replay

what then?

Date stamps

Customer Replay

Yes on date stamp

Turn it on

Customer Replay


Yes, you need turn it on

Customer Replay

is not one of the options
that is why I had it to dte + time

Yes choose it

Customer Replay

need those on photos to keep my boss happy. we do construction inspections
OK it is on date + time

Yes, right
And then you need to check it

Customer Replay

Seem to be working properly now.

Iโ€™m glad I was able to get that sorted out for you. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Customer Replay

I still have the photos that show the ORF files

What do you mean?

Customer Replay

I don't know how to get rid of those. they loaded next to the JPG photos. and do not have the date time stamp. The date /time show when the disk is in th camera but not ewhen loaded to the computer

Than's weird
Try to change time and dte one some time

Customer Replay

These were from Tuesday. the Wednesday photos all show the date/time stamps
Give me one minute to try to load the others to the computer.

Customer Replay

Loading photos now

Thank you!

Customer Replay

the ones from Friday

Customer Replay

Time date stamp shows on the disk when in the camera but not when loaded into computer

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.JPG

is that from yesterday?

Customer Replay

I'm wondering if it's something else with the camera

Do you have the stamp now?

Customer Replay

I just loaded it from th camera just now
The time/date shows on the cmaer when reviewing the photos.

Is it photo from now?

Customer Replay

the one I took today has the time/date stamp
Visitor uploaded: image.JPG

Then it must be fixed.
But it don't but it on the photo what you did before

Customer Replay

The last one I sent is from today

Did you do it after our conversation?

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.JPG
This one is from Fri
It shows time/date on camera

It can't to do stamps on your previous photo
It will be only for the future one

Customer Replay

Hopefully we got it fixed going forward. Otherwise I'll have to get a new camera.

As you wish but it doesn't necessary
You can save this chat as a bookmark in your browser, or copy the link in your address bar and paste it to any place you'd like.
And if you have any technical issues, you can always write to us.

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.JPG
OK Just took this one
Seem to be working. Just took this one. Thank you.

So date stamps disappear again?
Sorry, don't see it๐Ÿ˜‰

Customer Replay

No they are there on the photo I just loaded to computer and sent

Okay, thank you.

Customer Replay

Thank you for the help. Hopefully I won't have any more issues.

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