Updated: May 06, 2023
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by Oleksandr Lazariev
Tech Expert & Writer
796 resolved issues

I recieved an email from Microsoft saying there has been someone in Russia trying to access my account

but the email that they are saying with an ending which I do not have an email ending in that particular email, is this possible that it might be a scam

Short summary:

  1. Log in to your Gmail account on your computer.
  2. Open your web browser and go to your Google Account settings by clicking on your profile picture and selecting "Manage your Google Account."
  3. Under the "Security" tab, click on "Signing in to Google."
  4. Select "Password" and enter a new strong password for your account. Confirm the password and click on "Change Password" to save the changes.
  5. After changing your password, go to the recent activity page of your Microsoft account by clicking on the link provided in the email you received.
  6. Review the recent activity and specify that the sign-in from Russia was not you.
  7. This will help Microsoft secure your account and prevent any unauthorized access.

Hello, thank you for using Howly. I’ll be happy to help you out! May I ask your name?

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Nice to meet you, *****!
Yes, that is possible.
Can you make me a screenshot of that email, so I can check?

Customer Replay

how do I do that
I can forward you the email if you wish

Go to that email > Press the Print screen button on a keyboard > Go to our chat > Press CTRL + V buttons simultaneously.
Also, please tell me the email address they sent you that email.

Customer Replay

the print screen did not work for some reason

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If you get an email from the Microsoft account team and the email address domain is @accountprotection.microsoft.com, it is safe to trust the message and open it. Microsoft uses this domain to send email notifications about your Microsoft account. These notifications can include security codes for two-step verification and account update information, such as password changes.

Customer Replay

Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity
Microsoft account team <account-security-noreply@accountprotection.microsoft.com> Unsubscribe 6:36 AM (7 hours ago)
to me
Microsoft account
Unusual sign-in activity
We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to the Microsoft account *****@gmail.com.
Country/region: Russia
IP address: *****
Date: *****2022 6:36 AM (EST)
Platform: Windows
Browser: Chrome
Please go to your recent activity page to let us know whether or not this was you. If this wasn't you, we'll help you secure your account. If this was you, we'll trust similar activity in the future.
Review recent activity
To opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here.
The Microsoft account team

My, advice is to change the password to your account right now.
Are you logged in to your Gmail?


Customer Replay

I am

Okay, on the computer?

Customer Replay


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Top answer

Change your password:

  1. Open your Google Account. You might need to sign in.
  2. Under "Security," select Signing in to Google.
  3. Choose Password. You might need to sign in again.
  4. Enter your new password, then select Change Password.
Customer Replay

Ok will do. Should I do what the email is asking me to do?

Yes, and secure your account there.
Specify this wasn't you, to secure your account.

Customer Replay

Thanks appreciate it

Always welcome!
Let me know when you are done.

Customer Replay

All Done

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Now, there should not be any problems.
Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Customer Replay

No thanks you have been great. Have a great day

Always welcome!
I am so pleased to see your issue got resolved!

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Invalid Date
It's concerning to know that someone in Russia attempted to access my account, but I'm glad I was able to take steps to secure it.
Invalid Date
I hope that the security measures in place by Microsoft will prevent any further attempts to access my account in the future.
Hayden Scott
Invalid Date
It's alarming to know that my account was targeted by hackers. 😬

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