Updated: April 19, 2023
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by Judi Perez
Tech Expert & Writer
589 resolved issues

I am trying to connect my extender, but I am not sure I am doing it correctly

Short summary:

  1. Place your extender in the same room as your WiFi router. Proximity to the WiFi router is required only during the initial setup process. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet. Wait for the Power LED to light amber and then turn green. If the Power LED does not light, press the Power On/Off button on the side of the extender.
  2. To extend the range of your WiFi network, you must connect the extender to your existing WiFi network. You can do this in one of two ways: Connect with WPS or Connect with web browser setup. If you choose to connect with WPS, press the WPS button on your extender within two minutes of pressing the WPS button on your router. When the extender connects to your existing WiFi network, the WPS LED on the extender lights solid green and the Router LED lights.
  3. If WPS LED on the extender does not light solid green, please unplug the extender and move it to a new location that is approximately halfway between your router and the area with a poor WiFi signal. Plug in your extender and wait for the Power LED to light. Use the Router Link LED to help you choose a spot where the extender-to-router connection is optimal.
  4. Once the extender is connected to your WiFi network, find and connect to a new extender WiFi network on your computer or mobile device. The extender creates two new extender WiFi networks. The extender’s new WiFi network names are based on your existing WiFi network name, with _2GEXT and _5GEXT at the end of the name. Use the same WiFi password that you use for your WiFi router.
  5. Finally, try to connect to the new extender network on your computer or mobile device using the same WiFi password that you use for your WiFi router. If you can successfully connect, try to reach any website.

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Can you please specify both the brand and the model of your extender?

Customer Replay

I am trying to connect my extender

I see, *****. Please specify both the brand and the model of your extender

Customer Replay

AC1200 WiFi Range Extender Model EX6110


Thank you!
What troubleshooting have you done so far?

Customer Replay

I tried to connect my extender to my existing WiFi, I connected the extender, went into my settings and added the extender. Only 1 light is on. I pushed the WPS button several times but then it goes out.

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Thank you for the details
Have you placed your extender in the same room as your WiFi router?

Customer Replay


Please perform these steps:

  1. Place your extender in the same room as your WiFi router.
    Proximity to the WiFi router is required only during the initial setup process.
  2. Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.
  3. Wait for the Power LED to light amber and then turn green.
    If the Power LED does not light, press the Power On/Off button on the side of the extender.
Customer Replay


Thank you
To extend the range of your WiFi network, you must connect the extender to your existing WiFi network. You can do this in one of two ways:

  1. Connect with WPS
  2. Connect with web browser setup

Let me know please what option have you tried with?

Customer Replay

I pushed the WPS Button on my router

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Okay, thank you
*****, please press the WPS button on the extender
Let me know please if WPS LED blinks

Customer Replay

Done. It is blinking green

Okay, thank you
Within two minutes, press the WPS button on your router or access point.
When the extender connects to your existing WiFi network, the WPS LED on the extender lights solidgreen and the Router LED lights
Let me know then please

Customer Replay

The green light on the extender went out. The WPS on the router is on.

Ah, I see
Please then repeat the previous steps

  1. Press the WPS button on the extender
  2. Within two minutes, press the WPS button on your router or access point.
  3. When you press theWPS button on your router - please press and hold it for at least 10 seconds
Customer Replay

I now have 3 lights on the extender on, but my WPS on my router is blinking red.

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Does WPS LED on the extender light solid green?

Customer Replay



  • Please unplug the extender and move it to a new location that is approximately halfway between your router and the area with a poor WiFi signal
  • Plug in your extender and wait for the Power LED to light.
  • Use the Router Link LED to help you choose a spot where the extender-to-router connection is optimal.
Customer Replay

I have 2 green lights on Oops, have 3 green lights on.

Then please try connecting your WiFi-enabled computer or mobile device to the extended network

Customer Replay

Ok, how do I do this

  • On your computer or mobile device, find and connect to a new extender WiFi network.
  • The extender creates two new extender WiFi networks.
    The extender’s new WiFi network names are based on your existing WiFi network name, with _2GEXT and _5GEXT at the end of the name
    For example:
    Existing WiFi network name. MyNetworkName
    New extender WiFi network names. MyNetworkName_2GEXT and MyNetworkName_5GEXT
    Use the same WiFi password that you use for your WiFi router

Let me know if you can't find how to connect to a new wi-fi network

Customer Replay

I found it.

Okay, then please try to connect to it using the same WiFi password that you use for your WiFi router

Customer Replay

All 4 lights are on.

Okay, thank you
Please try to connect to your new wi-fi connection

Customer Replay

How do I do this.

On your computer or mobile device, find and connect to a new extender WiFi network.
The extender creates two new extender WiFi networks.
The extender’s new WiFi network names are based on your existing WiFi network name, with _2GEXT and _5GEXT at the end of the name\

Customer Replay

On my phone I have it

The new connection from extender?

Customer Replay


Have you tried to connect your phone to the extender network?
If so - was it successful?

Customer Replay


Then please try connecting your laptop
Here's how:

  1. Select the Network or Wifi icon in the notification area.
  2. In the list of networks, choose the network that you want to connect to, and then
    select Connect.
  3. Type the security key Done

Let me know please if you have connected your laptop to a new wi-fi network from the extender

Customer Replay

It looks like it is connected

Okay, then please try to reach any website

Customer Replay

Yes, I was able to access my hotmail account

Great to hear, *****
Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Customer Replay

You did great to help an old lady. Thanks for your time.

Thank you for your words, *****!
It was a pleasure to help you!

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