Updated: June 11, 2023
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by Rostyslav Vieliiev
Tech Expert & Writer
691 resolved issues

My instagram account got disabled for 30 days for no reason

Short summary:

  1. Go to the Instagram Help Center by visiting this link: https://help.instagram.com/contact/437908793443074
  2. Fill out the form provided on the page. Provide all the necessary information and details about your account and the issue you are facing. Be as clear and specific as possible.
  3. If you are unable to confirm your account because it has been disabled, wait for 24 hours and try again. Instagram may need some time to review and resolve the issue.
  4. If you received a message stating that your account has been disabled and will be deleted in 30 days, follow the instructions provided by Instagram and wait for the resolution.
  5. In the meantime, it's important to understand some possible reasons why your account might have been disabled. These include:
    Posting content that goes against Instagram's community guidelines.
    Engaging in aggressive follow/unfollow or excessive direct messaging.
    Sharing copyrighted material without permission.
    Not following Instagram's guidelines and policies.
  6. Ensure that you have a complete and updated Instagram profile. Post regularly and engage with the Instagram community in a positive and respectful manner.
  7. If you haven't violated any of Instagram's rules and guidelines, it's best to wait for their response and follow any further instructions they provide.

Hello, thank you for using Howly. I’ll be happy to help you out! May I ask your name?

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Top answer

Nice to meet you, *****!
Please fill out this form in your case: https://help.instagram.com/contact/437908793443074


Customer Replay

Yes but
i cant confirm my account
it doesnt let me do it
cuz it got disabled

Can you, please, send me a screenshot of the issue, please?

Customer Replay


banner 3

Take you time.

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: Image.png
Type: image/png
Size: 260274
Thats all
nothing else allowed

As far as I can see, you need to retry to do this in 24 hours.

Customer Replay

But they said it got disabled
and deleted in 30 days
if i dont do i dont know what

Have you pressed the button Tell us?

Customer Replay


banner 6

What it tells you there?

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: Image.png
Type: image/png
Size: 206786
Thats all it says

Top answer

So, your issue was informed to Instagram, you need to wait, until they will resolve it.

Customer Replay

But why can it just get disabled
without doing anything bad

Let me check it for you.

Customer Replay


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Top answer
  • Posting against community guidelines.
  • Aggressive follow/unfollow/DMs.
  • Posting copyrighted material.
  • Post regularly.
  • Complete your Instagram profile.
  • If you are new to Instagram, post for yourself.
  • Do not ignore Instagram community guidelines.
  • Perform moderate actions.
Customer Replay

I dont know didnt do any of these
but I guess i will wait and see

Yes, correct.
Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Customer Replay

i will come back
if it doesnt fix
thr next days

Thank you for chatting with us today!
We are available 24/7, you can refer your questions anytime.

Customer Replay

Thank you
have a nice day!

Have a good day too.

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Invalid Date
Thank you for trying to help, but Instagram's actions seem arbitrary and unfair.
Invalid Date
appreciate the effort but I wish Instagram would provide more clarity on why accounts get disabled.
Invalid Date
Instagram, please fix this! It's frustrating to have an account disabled for no apparent reason.

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