Usually, the Amazon Prime Cons charge line in your bill refers to the Amazon Prime membership monthly fee. It appears in bank statements, mainly when you signed up for 12 monthly installments. Nevertheless, even if you pay for Amazon's services annually, you may face this. Let's find out what it is and what to do.
Howly specialists prepared this article for you to manage this fee. Remember that Howly's team specializes in solving technical problems, so do not hesitate to contact us. You're welcome to comment if you have more questions or require additional information.
And now, let's go straight to the point.
It is a regular fee for the membership. It's $14.99 if monthly or $139 yearly. You may see this amount in your bill or bank statement.
To check your subscription plan's validity and present terms, log into your Amazon account, not your credit card. Go to your Prime subscription. It displays an invoice for your last payment. So you can compare the amount on your credit card and the last four digits.
If you don't need these services, you'd better cancel the subscription or use a simpler plan.
Do the following if you want to reduce your Amazon Prime Cons charges:
If you pay on a monthly basis, you usually have a month's notice before the withdrawal. If you paid for the service but did not have the chance to enjoy it, Amazon will refund you for the unused period. The only thing you should claim it.
If it’s not the case when you forget that you’ve ordered Amazon services and didn't authorize them, always call or email Amazon to report the fraud. It might be it.
Amazon support can cancel your account and refund your money. However, you must also contact your bank to reissue your payment cards.
Seeing Amazon Prime Cons on your statement can be concerning, especially if you haven't ordered Amazon Prime recently. If you want, claim your money back. The same thing would be about the situation if the charge was not authorized.
If you need personal assistance, contact Howly support chat. We're ready to help 24/7.