Western Union error codes: how to fix most common issues

Updated: June 15, 2023
6 min read
Western Union error codes: how to fix most common issues
by Samanta Jones
Tech Expert & Writer
Checked by
Quality Control team

Western Union is one of the most famous and popular services for sending money worldwide. However, errors are possible. It is incredibly frustrating when this happens with an urgent transaction.

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Already a customer of Western Union, but see some error? Try to fix it yourself or contact a specialist. Howly experts work 24/7 and are always ready to help you resolve any issue remotely.

What do error codes in Western Union mean

You will see the code if you have any problems with the operation in Western Union. For example, Western Union code R7008. They appear in the mobile app or during a bank transfer. After that, probably, you can start Google: “R7008 Western Union”.


If the first letter is R, then your account is under restrictions. If the first letter is T, then there are technical issues. Most often, only the security service knows the meaning of these codes. Sometimes they mean that it is impossible to carry out a specific operation, and sometimes they talk about blocking the entire account. You can see a Western Union error code C2008. But only the support team can tell you what it is.

The most common codes are Western Union r7008 and R7009, meaning you have been banned.

What to do if you see the Western Union error code R7008 or R7009?

The Western Union support service monitors transactions 24/7 so that all transfers are legal and do not violate anyone's rights. But sometimes, even a support specialist cannot answer why you see R7008 or error code R7009 and why you were banned. The security service is responsible for the decisions; the one you communicate with may not have this information.


The only thing you can do in such a situation is to send an email so that the blocking decision is reviewed. Unfortunately, the revision does not guarantee that your operations will be held again, but there is still such a possibility.

The address for sending such letters is gcr@westernunion.com. If you do not know how to write a letter to increase your chances of unlocking, contact Howly specialists, who will do everything to find a solution.

Error code 9

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Western Union error code 9 indicates the general failure. It’s not a common case, but when it happens, go to the Western Union support.

Error code c2002

What is Western Union error code c2002? It’s associated with technical issues. Try to complete the transaction one more time, as the issue might go away in minutes. If not, refer to the Western Union support. This type of failure is on their side.

Error code r8464

Western Union error r8464 happens when the transaction is denied due to compliance reasons. Since Western Union’s compliance team regulate that all the transactions fulfill the current general and local legislations, the payments may be denied.

Unfortunately, you can’t get in contact with this department, as it’s part of inner structure. Even the customer service won't tell you why you've been banned. The only reason is that they don't have the information.

Error code c1997

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Western Union error code c1997 is also linked with the technical issues on the side of the service. So you can’t do anything. Wait and try once more. With time, the errors might perish.

Error code c2008

Western Union c2008 also corresponds to the situation when Western Union ban for rules and regulations violations. Ask for a new assessment. Re-evaluating doesn't mean that the decision will be changed; it just means that it will be looked at again. It’s a good method to get rid of mistakes in the system.

List of Western Union error codes

There is a small lifehack, as the codes with the letters in the begging of them are grouped according to the type of issue. Let’s look closer at them.

Error codes with C (like c9999, c2063, c1309, c1775, c1992, c2008, c201, c2201, c2202, c7046, c7788, c8618)

Western Union error codes

These mistakes happen when Western Union does not accept a digital payment. Special departments have to clear them and check if they meet the rules. Again, Western Union won't tell you why this problem happens, so you have to figure it out yourselves.

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If you see these code messages, it doesn’t mean that your account is invalid now. They denote that a specific transfer can't happen.

Western Union error codes

When you receive a Western Union error message coded U1503, the sender has limited the territory of the purchases. It happens when the country, state, city, or store is incorrect.

Make the sender ensure where the transfer should go, and if there’s a mistake, have it fixed.

If you face error code U2224, the deal is under review. Western Union is reviewing the payment and needs more details to confirm it. Ask the person who sent you the money to contact Western Union. They will be able to give the sender the information they need.


No one is protected from payment system errors. But you can still steam them. If you see that the transaction does not go through or the account is blocked, you do not understand why you need to talk to the support team. Fill in the form here, UNKNOWN TAG — ins. The support will provide you with a response within 10 working days.

To get a comprehensive and quick answer, you must correctly compose an appeal and attach all the necessary data: a screenshot with an error code and a description of the problem. For example, you can write that you can’t send money to a friend, and you see the R7009 western union error code, add a screenshot and send the letter.

Howly experts are always ready to help you solve any problem. Describe your question in the chat and get a quick, detailed answer. And remember, you bring Howly meaning of what we do. We’re always here for you.


What does it mean if I see a Western Union code R7009 or another error combination?

Western Union has its code system, where each means some error. For example, Western Union error code R7009 means that you were banned. But only the service support service knows the meaning of most codes.

Why can't I send money to Western Union?

It may be due to a technical error or internal verification problem. You need to remember the code you see when sending money and find its meaning in the service support service.

How can I contact Western Union support?

You can do this through the website: https://wucare.westernunion.com/. There you will find tutorials for solving many issues and communication channels.

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Dominus Donan
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I cannot send money from stc pay via western union please help me to fix this problem
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I’m not able to use my account since 3months ago. Appreciate if you could fix this ASAP.
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Need to resolve this ASAP.
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  1. Howly
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    I’m not able to use my account since 3months ago. Appreciate if you could fix this ASAP. , hello! Thank you for your question. If you need personal expert advice, please type your question in the Chat window at the top of this page. Howly experts are always there to help you! 
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Why I cannot send money to Philippines from Saudi stc pay error r7008
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    Lyhnel, hello! Thank you for your question. If you need personal expert advice, please type your question in the Chat window at the top of this page. Howly experts are always there to help you! 
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Please, if you can help me, I have been sending money to my daughter in Serbia for a long time via western union and today I accidentally entered the wrong ccv number from the bank card. Can you please unblock me so that I can continue to send money to my daughter in Serbia. In the attachment, I will provide you with evidence that I sent her money and that it was me. Thank you and I hope you will successfully solve my problem!
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  1. Howly
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    Zorica, Hello! We are not Western Union official support service. Howly is the questions-and-answers marketplace, where people get high-quality personalized consultations from top professionals 24/7. If you need help with your issue, please use a chat window to contact our experts. Have a nice day!
Nancy Cromer
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Why I can’t receive western Union this is very unprofessional
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  1. Howly
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    Nancy Cromer, Hello! We are not Western Union official support service. Howly is the questions-and-answers marketplace, where people get high-quality personalized consultations from top professionals 24/7. If you need help with your issue, please use a chat window to contact our experts. Have a nice day!
  2. Howly team
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    Nancy Cromer, Hello! We are not Western Union official support service. Howly is the questions-and-answers marketplace, where people get high-quality personalized consultations from top professionals 24/7. If you need help with your issue, please use a chat window to contact our experts. Have a nice day!

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