How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebook?

Updated: February 16, 2023
6 min read
How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebook?
by Jahed Torres
Tech Expert & Writer
Checked by
Quality Control team

Chromebooks have a responsive operational system that allows them to complete tasks fast. But these devices often have a Chrome enterprise enrollment fixed on their computers. So what is enterprise enrollment? This procedure identifies a Chromebook as belonging to a specific organization and allows organization admins to administer the device. Because of this, their capability is somewhat constrained, making them only suitable for certain requirements.

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Method 1: Using shortcut keys

The easiest way to remove enterprise enrollment Chromebook is using shortcuts:

  • Click Esc, Refresh, and Power. Refresh is the Chromebook's fourth button from its left. It looks like the wobbly arrow icon.
How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebook?
  • Press Ctrl + D.
  • After you see a screen like the one below, tap the blank bar or Enter on certain Chromebooks.
  • This is how you will access the developer mode. Allow your Chromebook to load fully before turning it off. Your Chromebook will reboot, and you'll be disconnected from the domain once it enters dev mode.
How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebook?

What to do if the developer mode is disrupted?

If your laptop reports that the institution has deactivated dev mode, avoid turning off your Chromebook. This will force you to re-register, and you won’t be able to bypass Chrome enterprise enrollment. Rather than this, keep doing the process above until you reset an enterprise enrolled Chromebook. Your laptop will reboot once more, hopefully loading all of it and letting you into dev mode, so you won't be listed under that school's domain and may use your Chromebook to its full potential.

Don't repeatedly press the development mode buttons if you can't activate the dev mode due to blocking. Repeating the process may cause your Chromebook's BIOS and UEFI data to collapse, leaving it in a wreck. Instead, try this:

  1. Ensure your Chromebook is turned off.
  2. Remove the Chromebook's bottom cover bolts.
  3. Remove the motherboard's supply wire from the batteries and detach the battery.
  4. After opening your Chromebook, give the power button a 30-second push. This ought to get around the administrative block.
  5. Reinstall the battery and join the power cables. Attach the bottom cover.
  6. To start up your Chromebook, hit Esc, Refresh, and Power at the same time. It can take your system 9 to 15 minutes to reload. Await the Chrome screen before continuing with this step.
  7. When you reach the "Chrome Os is missing or damaged" screen, press Ctrl + D.

Warning: This method may nullify any warranties and impair the motherboard from static charges. However, the likelihood of this is minimal.

Method 2: Using Google Admin console

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Another way to remove enterprise enrollment from Chrome OS is by following the next steps:

How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebook?
  • Find the Google Admin console. This is where administrators control Google services for employees. Instead of logging in with your current account, use an administrator account.
  • Select Chrome Devices from the Admin panel screen.
How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebook?
  • Select Device Settings.
  • Keep the primary institution chosen to implement the change to all devices. Alternatively, pick a subordinate organizational structure.
  • Navigate to Access and Enrollment
  • Adjust the parameter for forcible re-enrollment:When a ChromeOS device is erased, you can force it to immediately re-enroll in your profile without requiring the user to input their login and password.
    After resetting, physically re-enroll ChromeOS laptops in your system. Force the laptop to re-enter using login and password.
    After resetting, a laptop is not required to re-enroll in your profile; users can continue to operate the ChromeOS without doing so.
  • Press Save.

Although settings usually take effect immediately, it could take up to an hour to spread throughout your institution.


How to remove enterprise enrollment on Chromebooks?

Select "Device Management" from the administrative panel. By serial number, look for the Chromebook you want to remove. Select "Unenroll" and check the box.

How can I get rid of the administrator (my educational institution) from my Chromebook?

For 3 seconds, hold the Escape, Refresh, and Power keys. To reach the developer mode panel after reaching the OS restoration tab, use Control+D. When you hit enter on this display, it will remove all extensions on your Chromebook.

Is Chromebook developer mode harmless?

For the vast majority of devices, Dev Mode has little real impact. It does not increase the speed of your device, is purposefully less secure, or puts your data at risk of unintentional deletion. Remember that your Chromebook will be erased if you activate Developer Mode.

What are the developer mode's disadvantages?

Enabling Developer Options, OS troubleshooting via USB, Software presentation in the RAM configuration, Bug tracking, System start in divisional mode, and improved image quality in video games after 7x MSA are the main issues with Android devices.


You will be able to resolve technical difficulties you have with enterprise enrollment bypass using this tutorial. The process is the same whether you have to unenroll a school network, cancel enterprise enrolment for your company, or re-enroll a device in a domain. Don't hesitate to contact Howly experts if you are still left with any questions on what enterprise enrollment is!

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