Updated: June 14, 2023
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by Jolene Haston
Tech Expert & Writer
497 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Apps, 4G/5G issues, Mac issues

I want to send funds to my son via Jpay in Limon Correctional facility

Short summary:

  1. Call the JPay phone number: 1-800-574-5729.
  2. Have your son's Federal incarcerated individual ID and accurate spelling of his first and last names ready.
  3. Follow the prompts to enter the required information.
  4. Select the amount of money you want to send.
  5. Provide your payment details, such as your credit/debit card information.
  6. Confirm the transaction and authorize the payment.

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Have you tried sending the funds before via JPay?


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There are currently several ways to send money using JPay.

  1. Through JPay.com website
  2. Using the JPay Mobile App for iPhone and Android,
  3. Or by calling a phone number.

Which option would work best for you?

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Call the #

Top answer

Sure, no worries.
Here is the phone number you can call to send the money through JPay to your son in Limon Correctional facility: 1-800-574-5729
Before calling, please ensure you know your loved one’s Federal incarcerated individual ID and the accurate spelling of their first and last names

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Thank you

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