Updated: May 24, 2023
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by Anna Chernetska
Tech Expert & Writer
712 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Tablets, Apps, 4G/5G issues

I want to change my credit card in Uber app

Short summary:

  1. Open your app and go to the "Account" section.
  2. Within the Account menu, find and select "Wallet."
  3. Locate the option labeled "Add Payment Method" and tap on it.
  4. You can add a payment method by scanning your card, manually entering the card information, or adding an alternative payment type.
Top answer

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Have you tried to add your card for Uber using the instruction below?


If not, please give it a try.

  1. Select “Account” and then “Wallet” in your app.
  2. Tap “Add Payment Method.”
  3. Add a payment method by scanning a card, manually entering card info, or adding an alternative payment type.
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Thank you very much I achieved the change.


Okay, great!

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