Hello, thank you for using Howly.
What device do you want the date to stop changing at?
An HP Elitebook.
But it seems like it is a function of excel that automatically requires a certain date setting that they provide to choose from and I need to re-create a report verbatim that they have "January 2022" and so on as their dates.
Ah, okay, so the root of the problem is in Excel, right?
It happened on my Dell as well
To stop cell date changing please follow these steps:
I just need to lock 12 cells.
But it did not seem to work.
Have you tried to lock every cell or everything at once?
I locked the cell, but it seems like locking only disables outside edits into specific cells. It doesn't seem like it makes them resistant to automated changes within excel.
I think I got it.
Okay, keep me posted if something goes wrong.
Will do.
Good, was able to get it.
We can go ahead and close it out.
I was glad to help! Do you have any additional tech-related questions?
Nothing as of now, appreciate your help!
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