Updated: March 20, 2023
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by Peter Davis
Tech Expert & Writer
817 resolved issues

I had downloaded Paramount+ then tried to get into after I Paid it then it kept saying update needed

I couldn't use it so I uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it and Google play gives me an error for 2 days now.

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May I know your first name, please?

Customer Replay


Nice to meet you, *****!
What error does it give you?

Customer Replay

I can't remember

I'd appreciate if you check that, please

Customer Replay

Something like there was an error try again later for 2 days now

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So do you have Paramount app installed on your device now or not, could you please specify?


Customer Replay

Something went wrong try again.

So it's not installed now?
Can you tell me the device model name also, please?

Customer Replay

Every time I try to download it I just get that error for 2 days. I just tried again
Motorola 5g

 Can you tell on what device are you trying to install it?
Okay, allow me a minute
Do you have this issue with any other app?

Customer Replay


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I see, allow me a few minutes, please

Customer Replay


I assume you can try to watch Paramount+ through the Amazon Prime app alternatively
Do you use Amazon Prime?

Customer Replay

Yes I do

Allow me a minute

Customer Replay

But I paid for Paramount

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Can you enter into Amazon Prime app on your device and search for Paramount+ there?

Customer Replay

Okay just a minute

Sure. Take your time

Customer Replay

Okay I got it prime
Through Prime I got into it

Okay, can I help you with anything else?

Customer Replay

No just wish I could download it as I paid for it but Thank you!

You are welcome, *****!

Customer Replay

Have a great day and Happy Holidays!

Same for you!

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