Updated: March 19, 2023
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by Jolene Haston
Tech Expert & Writer
497 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Apps, 4G/5G issues, Mac issues

I can not get the RFD page off of my Roku to redo it

Welcome back, *****!
Allow me a moment, please
Please, follow the steps below on your Roku remote:

  1. Press the Home button 5 times.
  2. Up 1 time.
  3. Rewind 2 times.

  1. Fast Forward 2 times
Customer Replay

When I press the home button once it jumps to Netflix
it won’t let me do it 5 times

Please, try to press it fast
*****, were you able to complete the instructions?

Customer Replay

Yes but RFD is still showing on
It is working now thank you

Got you, thank you for the update!
Is everything working fine, now?

Customer Replay

thank you

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