Updated: June 15, 2023
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by Oleksandr Kamennyi
Tech Expert & Writer
961 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Gadgets, Computers, Apps

Ive lost the call sign on my samsung phone

Short summary:

  1. Swipe up or down on the Home screen to access the Apps screen.
  2. Check all app pages for the Call icon.
  3. Restart your phone and check again.
  4. Look for app folders and search for the Call icon within them.
  5. Long-press on the Home screen and tap the Settings icon.
  6. Select "Hide apps on Home and Apps screens."
  7. Unhide the Call icon by tapping the red minus symbol.
  8. Tap "Done" to save the changes.
  9. Check the Home screen for the Call icon.

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Customer Replay

Ive lost the telephone call sign on my key pad

  • From the Home screen, swipe up or down.
  • All of your apps will be listed on the Apps screen.
  • If you have a lot of apps, swipe to the right or left to see them all.
  • Please, check if you see a Call icon there amongst the other apps.
Customer Replay

I don't see the call sign


Have you checked all of the pages with apps?

Customer Replay


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Got it, thank you!
May I ask if you have tried restarting your phone?

Customer Replay



Do you have any app folders on your phone? If you do, please try checking them.

Customer Replay

I don't have any app folders

Top answer

Please, follow the next steps:

  1. Long press anywhere on the home screen and tap the Settings icon in the bottom right corner.
  2. Scroll down and select Hide apps on Home and Apps screens.
  3. Under Hidden apps, tap on the red minus symbol beside the app icon to unhide it. Then, tap Done at the bottom.
Customer Replay


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Do you see the Call icon now?

Customer Replay

Yes thankyou


I am very glad to hear I was able to help, *****!

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