Updated: June 17, 2023
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by Alex Sherwin
Tech Expert & Writer
511 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Tablets, Gadgets

I have an canon MG2920 and it said to contact support for error code B201

Short summary:

  1. Open the top cover of your printer (as if you were going to change the ink cartridges).
  2. Power on the printer.
  3. If the ink cartridges do not move to the replacement position, turn off the printer and then turn it back on. When the inks start moving, unplug the power cord of the printer and manually move the inks to the replacement position.
  4. Replace the ink cartridges in your printer.
  5. Close the top cover, plug in the printer, and power it on (if you had to unplug it to replace the ink cartridges).

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Could you please tell me when and how did the problem occur?

Customer Replay

just now i use the printer yesterday


What troubleshooting have you done so far?

Customer Replay

removed the power cord and plug it back in


Got it!
Your printer model with two cartridges, right?


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Top answer

If your printer displays a B200 or related error (B201, B202, etc.) error, this means that the print head built into one or both of the ink cartridges has overheated.
You can attempt to replace the ink cartridges in your printer to resolve this.

  1. Open the top cover of your printer (as if you were going to change the ink cartridges).
  2. Power on the printer.
  3. The inks may move back and forth across the length of the printer. They will eventually move to the replacement position.
  4. Replace the ink cartridges in your printer., this means that the print head built into one or both of the ink cartridges has overheated.
Customer Replay

its not moving

Top answer

If the inks move back and forth but do not move to the replacement position:

  1. Turn off the printer and then turn it back on. When the inks are moving, unplug the power cord of the printer and move the inks to the replacement position.
  2. Replace the ink cartridges in your printer.
  3. Close the top cover, plug in the printer, and power it on (if you had to unplug it to replace the ink cartridges).
Customer Replay

thanks its working now


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no thanks appreciate it bye

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