Updated: March 08, 2023
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by Christine Tomas
Tech Expert & Writer
1461 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Networks, Tablets, Computers

I have a pc booting issue


Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Would you be so kind to tell me more about that booting issue?
First, what is the model of your PC and it's an operational system?
And then, let me know more about this issue.

Customer Replay

I’m not that good with pc information so is it possible for me to send a link of the pc I have?


Of course.
You can share the link in this chat.

Customer Replay



Ok, got it.
So, you have a gaming PC with Windows 10, correct?

Customer Replay

Yes that is correct.

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Ok, and what about your issue?
Can you please explain it in the detail?
What do you see? When did it start? And so on...

Customer Replay

Last week I booted up my pc land everything was normal. The logo and everything popped up. But then the screened went black. The only visual I could see is top part of the screen and it’s so small that I can barely see it.
I was able to solved this by doing a hard factory reset but now it’s doing it again and I don’t really want to keep resetting it.


I see.
Can you take me a photo of your PC screen?
To attach pictures to our chat, you need to press the paper clip button in the lower right corner of the chat window. Then you have either to choose an image on your device or take a photo right away. Then confirm sending.

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 2476520
As you can see I can still highlight it by dragging my mouse at the top right but everything else is blacked out.


Do you have another display near you?
So, we can check it this problem occurs on it too.

Customer Replay

I do not have another monitor to display it. But I don’t believe it’s the monitor because I was able to use an hdmi cord to plug in my laptop and everything shows up fine on the monitor.

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Ok, got it.
Your display cable is plugged into the HDMI port on the horizontal graphics card, correct?
Because there should also be at least one vertical there.
And the display should work only with the horizontal one.

Customer Replay

Sorry I had to check and yes it does has have a port plugged onto the graphics card.


No problem.
By the way, what troubleshooting have you done so far, except hard reset?

Customer Replay

I haven’t done much. I tried booting it in safe mode but the screen was still black and I was not able to do anything. I was able to go into bios but I didn’t know much and didn’t want to mess up the settings so I didn’t touch it. Other than that I just factory reset my pc and fixed it from there.
But now it’s happening again and I don’t know why.


Ok, in that case, let's open your Bios right now.
Let me know when you're there and send me a photo of your menu in this chat.

Customer Replay

Sorry this might take a hot minute. I have to try it multiple times to get it to work.

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Of course, take your time, *****.

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 3084256
Ok I’m there.


Got it.
Go to Advanced Mode
And send me photo from there

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 3005524


First, go to the Monitor tab and take a photo of all options and parameters.

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: image.jpeg
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 3708613


Could you please restart your computer?
Then after the Asus logo on the screen, restart it. You have to walk through these steps 3 times. Could you try, please

Customer Replay

I will try to attempt it.


Keep me posted on how is it going, please.

Customer Replay

Okay so I restarted it 3 times but it still the same.


Do you have another HDMI to check?

Customer Replay

I will check.
Okay it works now. I guess the display port that I’m using is just bad.


So is it working now?

Customer Replay

Yes after replacing the display port with an hdmi cable it works fine now.


I’m glad I was able to get that sorted out for you. Before you go, is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Customer Replay

No that is all. Thank you for your help.


Thank you for chatting with us today!
We are available 24/7, you can refer your questions anytime. Have a nice one!

Customer Replay

Yes, thank you. You too.

Our expert Christine is online and ready to resolve your issues
1461 resolved issues
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