Updated: May 29, 2023
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by Mykola Hezhoian
Tech Expert & Writer
488 resolved issues

how do i connect my samsung galaxy a9 to my pc

Short summary:

  1. Check the cable: Ensure that you are using a functional cable. If the cable is broken or incompatible, try using a different cable.
  2. Restart your devices: Unplug the cable and restart both your computer and your Samsung phone.
  3. Connect the cable: After the restart, connect your Samsung phone to your PC using the cable that came with the phone.
  4. Check for recognition: Once connected, check if your computer recognizes the phone. It should appear as a connected device.

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Do you need to transfer files from your Samsung phone to a PC?


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how do i sinc my phone

You need to simply connect it to your computer via cable.

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that is not working

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Does your computer recognize the phone?

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no it does not

I see. It is possible that you are using a broken/incompatible cable. Please try using another cable.

Customer Replay

no i am using the cable that came with the phone

Top answer

Please unplug the cable, and restart your computer and your phone. After that try connecting the cable again. Did you restart both your devices?

Customer Replay

yes and it seems to be alright now thank you

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Is there a specific software or application I need to install on my pc to sync my Samsung phone
1 reply
  1. VinylVibes
    Invalid Date
    Daniel, You might need to install Samsung's official software called Samsung Smart Switch on your PC to enable seamless syncing between your phone and computer.
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Instructions didn't work. Need more help 😕

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