Updated: March 17, 2023
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by Andrew Cheberiak
Tech Expert & Writer
732 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Tablets, Apps, Home network

Got black screen on my probook with cursor showing only


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Customer Replay

When I was logging in with my pin screen went black except for the cursor arrow


Also, what Windows do you have on your HP probook?


Customer Replay

i think 10 or 11


Got you, thanks for clarifying!

  1. On the black screen, press Ctrl, Shift, ESC to open the Task Manager window.
  2. Click the Process tab.
  3. Look for one or both of the following tasks:
    Run Once Wrapper
    Run Once Wrapper (32-bit)
    Please, follow this instruction!

And keep me tuned, if there will appear any issues or additional questions!

Customer Replay

i a pressing the three buttons and nothing is happening

banner 3

Let's try hard resetting your HP:

  1. Disconnect all peripheral devices and remove all USB devices and media cards. You want to test the computer not the accessories.
  2. Disconnect the AC power adapter, and then press and hold the power button for at least 15 seconds.
  3. Reconnect the AC power adapter seems to be coming on
Customer Replay



Does your HP turned on normally?

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732 resolved issues
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