It is probable that an additional or duplicate charge observed during a trip is actually an authorization hold. When you begin a trip with Lyft, they may temporarily place an authorization hold on your payment method for the upfront cost of the trip, even if the trip is later canceled.
Lyft promptly cancels the hold, but it may take a few business days for this to be reflected in your account, depending on your bank's procedures.
Here are indications that the charge is most likely a hold:
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What looks like an extra or duplicate charge on a trip is likely an authorization hold. At the start of a trip, Lyft may place a temporary authorization hold for the upfront price of the trip on your payment method. This also includes trips that are later canceled.
Lyft immediately voids the hold, though it may take a few business days to reflect in your account (depending on your bank's policies).
Below are signs that your charge is likely a hold:
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