Alternatively, if you are unable to find the information through the above steps, you can try the following:
Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Could you follow this instruction, please:
it will take awhile to scrol all the way down, so please bear with me.
Sure. Take your time!
Alternatively, you can also check the "About" section of your profile. Look for the "Joined Facebook" information
okay, I'll try that
Thanks. Keep me posted.
I don't see "about" on what I think is my profile
Could you follow the first instruction then, please?
I am at the Activity log and the menu that begins with " videos you have searched for". Where to now?
Could you try to scroll down and find the first activity you did on Facebook?
I've been on fb for many years and the scrolling process is very slow. Is there a shortcut command I can use to get to the beginning?
Do you use your computer?
Could you try this instruction, please:
I don't find this item on the left side bar of the Activity Log screen, or my Home screen. Am I looking in the wrong place?
Please, click on your profile picture in the top-right of the site and select Settings & Privacy.
Choose Settings in the menu that opens.
On this page, in the left sidebar, click the option that says Your Facebook Information.
got it
Please, click View next to Access Your Information.
On the next screen, under the Your Information section on the left, select Personal Information.
Perfect. I found my start date. Bless you and thank you for your help.
I'm glad to hear that, *****!
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for choosing our service! We are always happy to help, and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.
Have a great one!
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