Updated: April 04, 2023
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by Oleksandr Kamennyi
Tech Expert & Writer
961 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Gadgets, Computers, Apps

I recently paid to have commercials turned off on amazon

I then upgraded my Firestick and now the commercials are back. How can this be fixed?

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Nice to meet you, *****!

Customer Replay

thank you! can you help me with this problem?


Maybe you need to change it again in the settings.
In which exactly application you have turned it off?
Amazon prime video?


Customer Replay

Yes Amazon Prime
Change what? I shouldn't have to pay for it again

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You have a firestick connected to your TV I'm right and that is where you want to turn it off?

Customer Replay

I paid to have the commercials turned off on prime and when I updated my Firestick they are now back on
On YouTube also


It's in the setting of your TV there is no need to pay for that.

Customer Replay

ok where is that located?

  1. Go to Settings on your Fire TV.
  2. Select the Preferences menu.
  3. Select the Featured Content menu.
  4. Set both options to OFF to disable all ads from autoplaying.
Customer Replay

ok did that

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Please check is there are ads in the prime video app.

Customer Replay

I don't see anything about ads


I meant commercial.
Is it gone?

Customer Replay

am I still supposed to still be in settings? I don't see commercial anywhere


No just go the regular using and tell me if you see it or not.

Customer Replay

I don't see anything that says commercial

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Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Customer Replay

so they should be turned off?


If you don't see them yes, in case they will comeback just contact us back we will fix it.

Customer Replay

ok thank you


You are welcome!
Is there anything else I can do for you today?

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