Hello, thank you for contacting Howly! I am here to help you today!
May I know your first name, please?
Nice to meet you, *****!
Let me get back to you on this, and while I'm on it, please stay in the chat, thank you!
Just a moment please, I'll be there for you shortly. Please stay in chat while I'm on it, thank you!
OK. Will do.
Please allow me a moment to provide you with further instructions, I would really appreciate it if you would wait for me in the chat. Thank you!
*****, the Venmo app can be only downloaded onto a mobile device.
Do I need to go over and click NEED SUPPORT
You can try to download it on your mobile device.
If that doesn't help, they you may tap the ' need support' option.
OH! No wonder it didn't like my computer!!
Please try to download on the phone and tell me the results.
OK. How do I load the "stuff" onto my phone?
Do I go to the Apple Store first>
Are you using an iPhone?
I see.
Yes, firstly locate the app store.
It should be installed on your phone.
Keep me updated when you find it.
I went to the Apple Store. I now have Venmo (Five Stars) 14M and a place to click VIEW!
It says it looks like you'
re searching for an app.
Is there a download button?
Button that says VIEW
Press the 'view' button.
It says Venmo, Send Money, Pay & Earn Rewards and OPEN Button
Tap the 'Open' button.
Says CREATE account
and Log IN
Do you have an account on Venmo?
What account and where?
Do you have an account registered with Venmo?
In order to use Venmo, you will have to create an account.
I don't think I have VENMO YET! It wants me to Create account
Has Long In below Create Account
*****, right now you are in the Venmo app on your phone and to use it tap the 'create an account' button.
Should I click PERSONAL
It went away. I am back to Create account with Log in below it
Do I start over?
Tap the 'create an account' again, please.
I clicked and it wants me to enter phone number and you will text me a code so we can confirm that it's ME!
We will not send, we are Ask-Crew, the Venmo will send you a code.
Please enter your phone number.
Got code and put in my full legal name. Now it wants User, Email and Password.
Create a username that you will login with, then please enter the email for your safety, and add a Strong password to your account.
Try to save the Username and Password that you create somewhere.
Keep me posted.
I have the data on an INDEX CARD.
It accepted all the other "stuff".
You can save the data where you would like to.
It now wants me to Sync phone contacts.
Is there a 'skip' button somewhere?
Where SHOULD I send it? Should I put an ICON on my phone?
Let me see about the skip
Take as much time as you need!
I clicked SKIP FOR NOW
What does it tell you now?
It wants me to add a Debit Card.
Please do.
with it's data?
It says ADD and below it is Not now.
You can either add the card now or set it up later. What option do you prefer?
Venmo is a service of PayPal.
I "DID" add the card. Problem: It gets changed about every week.
Should I "NOT" Add it?
There is an option for NOT NOW
You may not add it and add the card that you will need later.
OK. Much better idea. Should I remove all the data for the card?
If you will use the card later, then you should keep it.
If not, feel free to remove it.
So, will I have to go into the account every time the card changes (like once a week, something goes wrong and I have to get the Bank to make me a new one.
In order to make payments inside the app, yes.
OK. I can leave it and THEN, when I go to use it, I can compare the cards and check for correct numbers, right?
Yes, correct.
That's easy enough.
It is.
So, I should go back and click NOT NOW?
or leav it as is?
As you wish :)
It says I am DONE!
Congratulations! You have now created an account on Venmo.
When I need to use the program, all I have to do is check the Card?
*****, is there anything else I can do for you today?
Thanks for all your help. I Really appreciate it!
You're very welcome!
By for now . . .
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We are available 24/7, you can refer your questions anytime. Have a nice one!
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