Updated: April 07, 2023
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by Andrew Cheberiak
Tech Expert & Writer
732 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Tablets, Apps, Home network

I have an Epson T-3600 Which was fine yesterday but today is printing nothing but jibberish?

This has happened before, what is wrong?

Сould you please tell me, did you try to soft reset the printer?

Customer Replay

For no apparent reason my ET-3600 is printing jibberish


What is a soft reset? Do you mean shut it off then restart it?
I tried shutting the printer off and then back on? Didn't work


I mean to fully turn it off by plugging it out of the power outlet, waiting for 60s and plugging it back in.

Customer Replay

No but I'm trying that now, I'll plug it back in 30 seconds from now that will be more than a minute, Just tried that and it''s still printing junk and I'm wasting a ton of paper and ink because even when I sent myself an email only one line I get several pages of junk?


Could you please tell me, has your computer gone into Sleep Mode recently?

Customer Replay

Not for a couple of days, last time I was in my office I shut it down completely. this has happened before and I never know how to fix it immediately but sometimes it will go back to normal on its own???

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*****, please try the following from your PC:

  1. Click on the Windows Icon and select Settings > Devices > Printers & Scanners.
  2. Select your product name and select Manage > Open print queue.
  3. Right-click the stalled print job, click Cancel, and click Yes.
    If your product is connected to a USB hub, connect it directly to your computer instead.
Customer Replay

The front of the printer says ET3600 but when I open the printers/devices and click onto printers there are 2 Epson Printers listed, one says T3600 and the other says ET3600 and offline just below it. I tried getting the offline one to go back on but when I click it nothing happens

  • To get that printer online, you will need to connect it to the same Wi-Fi and computer.
  • Please select T3600 then Manage > Open print queue.
  • After that, proceed with the steps above.
Customer Replay

ok, stay with me
I did that, what should I do now?


Right-click the stalled print job, click Cancel, and click Yes.
If your product is connected to a USB hub, connect it directly to your computer instead.

Customer Replay

My printer is connected to my tower???
I have a desk top HP computer and my office is one of many is a large office building the building owner provides the service for the internet for everyone. I have the tower with a bunch of wires that go to a monitor which is connected to my keyboard and mouse. The USB ports handle all of the accessories like the audio speakers which plug into the back of the tower, the video which plugs into the back of the tower, the front is where the printer plugs into a USB

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Got it, that means that it is connected straight to it.
Please Right-click the stalled print job, click Cancel, and click Yes.

Customer Replay

My printer queue is empty from the last time I went through the steps you gave me??
I only use this printer but there is a list of others listed in the printers/devices should I delete all of the ones that I don't use?

Customer Replay

Ok, I'll be right back
I took off all of the printers listed except the one that says ET-3600 and then I opened the queue and found about 6 documents listed as in the queue and canceled all except one that I recognized. That Printer, the Et-3600 still says off line how to I get it online
should I try to print the one I recognize?


Please verify that your printer is not in Use Printer Offline Mode:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners .
  2. Then select your printer > Open print queue.
  3. Under Printer, make sure Use Printer Offline is not selected.
Customer Replay

ok I'll check
It is??? What do I do now?

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Please Un Select it.

Customer Replay



Could you please tell me, is there a Tick box in there or an option to change it?

Customer Replay

I'll check, when I went back to it it told me to connect to the computer, Hopefully that means plug it back in which I just did, should I try to print something?


Yes, please do and tell me how it goes!

Customer Replay



Great news!
You're very welcome!
I’m glad I was able to get that sorted out for you. Before you go, is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Customer Replay



Have a great day too!
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