Updated: April 04, 2023
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by Oleksandr Kamennyi
Tech Expert & Writer
961 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
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How can I recover BINGWA 'S WhatsApp Chats ?


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How can i recover BINGWA 's chats on WhatsApp which i deleted by mistake this morning


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what device did you use?

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Samsung 8 plus
Mobile phone Samsung Galaxy 8 plus


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First, uninstall WhatsApp on your Android device and then reinstall it
Follow the on-screen process of WhatsApp installation and verify your WhatsApp number correctly
The program will then ask you to restore WhatsApp media files and chats from the Google Drive backup. Select the Restore button and trigger your WhatsApp restoration procedure on the Android device

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Thanks can I do that after one month ?


Yes, you can take your time
Is there anything else I can do for you today?

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Because it's too complicated so my son will be the one to do it for me in case he delays more than one month what is the Maximum period of time it can be done


I am sorry, you can do it later, its fine

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Three months?

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Information with chat is back up on cloud service

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Ok thanks


You are welcome

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Bye bye God bless you πŸ™


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