Updated: March 07, 2023
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by Hanna Finley
Tech Expert & Writer
558 resolved issues

Today i have tried to put my youtube account on hide mode and i can not see it anywhere anymore

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Let's try to turn on your YouTube channel:


  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Go to create a channel and fill out the form. This action will restore your YouTube channel.
  3. In the form, don't click "To use a business or other name, click here." This action will create a channel
    instead of restoring your hidden channel.
  4. After you re-create your public channel, you can make your videos and playlists viewable in the Videos page.
Customer Replay

i have tried this but there was open a new chanel and there was no form to fill in

Please open youtube.com
Is your profile picture shown in the upper right corner?

Customer Replay

the profile picture of the google account only the channel in itself i can not find anymore. i had 2 channels one of them i put today on hide and that one i can not find anywere anymore

  1. Please click on your profile picture.
  2. Then, click Settings.
  3. Then, select Account.

Do you see a link to your channel on that page?

Customer Replay

i have the impression you don't understand what i am saying ...

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I am sorry, what is it?
I thought you were unable to get to your Youtube channel

Customer Replay

yes but i am saying that i can not have a link to the channel because my channel disapired and i did not deleted it i put it on hide mode but now i don't have it anywhere anymore

Could you send me a screenshot of what you see in your Settings, Account tab?

Customer Replay

i made it a pdf but i can not upload it here

Yes, the chat only allows uploading graphic files like JPG, PNG
Do you have a Brand Account on Youtube?

Customer Replay


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Then, your account should be restored via the New Account route I initially linked to you
Please carry out the following steps:

Customer Replay

when i put the channel on hide mode it was standing there that i can unhide it whenever i want but its so strange that i can not find it at all ... now. and even when it would have been that i have deleted it i guess at least an email would have been send that the channel was deleted right?

  1. Open the link below (creating a new account)
  2. Fill out the form and click Create Channel.
    If the form suggests "To use a business or other name, click here", don't click on that. This action will create a channel instead of restoring your hidden channel.
Customer Replay

oh my gosh!!!!
i am almost crying!!!
thank you so much!!!
it is working!!!!
i found the channel!!

I am happy to hear you made it! πŸ™‚

Customer Replay

oh you have no idea!! thank you!! God bless you !!!

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Thank you too, for your kind words!

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