Updated: May 19, 2023
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by Maksym Prykhodchenko
Tech Expert & Writer
492 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Gadgets, Laptops issues

My Samsung S10 suddenly lost the bright backlighting

I can barely make out the apps, etc.

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What troubleshooting have you done to your Samsung S10 so far?


Customer Replay

Turned it off. Rebooted


Could you clarify when the issue appeared? Was it working okay before?

Customer Replay

I have used it all day. 30 minutes ago I picked it up and the lighting was terrible


I see. Could you check the level of charge at the moment? Sometimes, when the device is low on battery, you will see the brightness dimmed

Customer Replay


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Top answer

Let's check the phone settings first

  1. Open Settings
  2. choose Display
  3. Tap the slider next to Adaptive brightness and switch it to the off position.
Customer Replay

I can't read the words in settings. any idea what number in the list DISPLAY might be?


It should be 4th on the list, *****

Customer Replay

got it


Good. Adaptive brightness should be the first option with the Slider, do you see it?

Customer Replay

says dark mode setting

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Most likely, the Dark mode means the dark background, not brightness
Could you check again? You should see Adaptive brightness when you click on that Display option from Settings menu

Customer Replay

I can't read anything. it looks like 2 boxes at the top of the list


Check the first one, is it enabled?

Customer Replay

one is white ... light?
looks like a blue button under the word LIGHT


Could it be Blue light filter option? Please check it
I am checking the Display options together with you, this is the only option with the work Light in Display menu

Customer Replay

next to the white box is a black box, if I click the black box it shifts to the center and I THINK the words displayed under it changes

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but the brightness does not change, right?

Customer Replay

unfortunately you are correct


I see. Let's try it again then
Open settings

Customer Replay


Top answer

Good. The first thing in that menu is the Brightness slider, it looks like a line. Try to click at the end of that line to be sure the Brightness is set to it's highest value

Customer Replay

You are a genius!!!! it was totally to the right


I see now. So did it help?

Customer Replay

Yes! But I would like to know how this happened since I wasn't in Settings at all today

  • Actually, if the issue was just this setting (the brightness line that was changed), you could accidentally move it without accessing Settings.
  • This setting is also available from the drop-down menu on your screen, the one you pull down from the top of the screen to enable Wifi, etc.
    Maybe you accidentally changed it or something like that

Do you have any additional questions I can help you with?

Customer Replay

Thank you! That's all for today


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