Updated: June 15, 2023
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by Rostyslav Vieliiev
Tech Expert & Writer
691 resolved issues

I keep getting email saying my computer has been exposed to malware and virus that are not from Norton

I have not received anything from Norton.

Short summary:

  1. Click the Settings icon and select "More Settings."
  2. Choose "Security and Privacy."
  3. Under "Blocked addresses," click on the Add button.
  4. Enter the email address you want to block.
  5. Click Save.

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Please, can you send me a screenshot of the message that you can see on your computer?
To attach your screenshot to our chat, you need to press the paper clip button in the lower right corner of the chat window. Then you have to choose an image and confirm sending.

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: IMG.jpeg
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 4386460

Thank you!
This is an email that you received, am I right?

Customer Replay


This is a scammer`s email. Please, do not follow any links from this email.
Do you know who is the sender?

Customer Replay

I hope in my working with it I didn’t

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Okay, great!

Customer Replay

so what do I need to do

Can you provide me with your email, please?

Customer Replay



Top answer

Please, copy the email of the sender and I will provide you with instruction on how to block it.
Please, follow this instruction to block the sender on your Yahoo email:

  1. Click the Settings icon and then click More Settings.
  2. Click Security and Privacy.
  3. Under "Blocked addresses", click the Add button.
  4. Enter the email address you want to block.
  5. Click Save.
Customer Replay

Thanks are we done

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Please, run your Norton to check your computer.

Customer Replay

I will do it as soon as I finish blocking

Okay, got it!
Is there anything else I can do for you?

Customer Replay

thanks goodbye

Thank you for choosing our service! Should you have any further questions or requests, do not hesitate to get in touch with us again. We’re more than happy to offer additional support whenever needed.

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