Updated: March 17, 2023
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by Anna Chernetska
Tech Expert & Writer
712 resolved issues
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How to set alarm repeat multiple on hp48gx


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First you need to press the down arrow key until the second choice Set alarm is highlighted and press the F6 key to register the choice of OK shown above the F6 key at the right side of the display.
The Enter key can also be used to make selections from a CHOOSE box and will be used below. Alternatively, since the Set alarm choice is the second item in the list, the 2 key can be pressed to immediately choose this function.

Customer Replay

i can set time&date can not get it turn on used left arrow 4 then can not get the alarm to wrok


Do you receive some error message?

Customer Replay

no @bottom ask to enter alarm repeat multiple

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Okay, I see

Customer Replay

set repeat 599 seconds

Customer Replay

ask to enter alarm repeat multiple
your in. instru did not work maybe something with calc i have had problems with it from it arrived old cal 1998


Were you able to set alarms on it before?

Customer Replay

not on this calc. work with one in 1999

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Customer Replay

all the ways on enter did not work


The TIME menu is the RED shifted function of the 9 key and is accessed by pressing the right arrow key. When accessed, a scrolling menu is displayed containing time and date functions. The first two functions deal with browsing and setting alarm reminders.
Please, check if you see these functions

Customer Replay

have set time &date calc will acept repeat


Can you see the setting alarm reminders option?
If you've chosen the time and clicked okay, it should go back to main menu because you've done it successfully

Customer Replay

yes the calc ask to enter alarm repeat multi ple when hit ok button it will go back to main meun

banner 9

Also try these:
To set an alarm, press the down arrow key until the second choice Set alarm is highlighted and press the F6 key to register the choice of OK shown above the F6 key at the right side of the display. The ENTER key can also be used to make selections from a CHOOSE box and will be used below. Alternatively, since the Set alarm choice is the second item in the list, the 2 key can be pressed to immediately choose this function.
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