Updated: April 19, 2023
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by Oleksandr Kamennyi
Tech Expert & Writer
961 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Gadgets, Computers, Apps

How I can restable my Gogo chat account the page is in blank.


Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Are you facing this problem when logging in to your Gogo chat account?


Customer Replay

Yes suddenly was in blank.


Noted, thank you
Most of the time, it might be a temporary loading issue. To fix it, please do the following:

  1. Open the recent applications menu on your phone.
  2. Close the Gogo chat app.
  3. Now open the app again.
Customer Replay

the problem is that I don't know how to do all those things in my phone.


I see
I will provide you a more detailed instruction
Can you please specify both the brand and the model of your phone?

Customer Replay

Yes, Motorola.

banner 3

Thank you
To close recent apps, follow the next steps:

  • From any screen, press the square key as shown in the picture below
  • Scroll up or down to find the Gogo chat app.
  • Tap the X icon to close it

Customer Replay

everything is ok now.


I see, so it works fine now, right?

Customer Replay

Yes hopefully it won't be any problem anymore.

Our expert Oleksandr is online and ready to resolve your issues
961 resolved issues
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