Hello, thank you for using Howly.
On your Android device:
Please go to Settings > Wallpaper > Choose a New Wallpaper > Live.
I already tried that way. Dislike a first lock screen. Well maybe it's a second where it's an animated joker
It's like the first or second lock screen
Have you tried to change the live wallpaper?
No, I don't think so but I went through the avenue that you mentioned already a couple of days ago
You just need to go to phone settings
Then select Wallpapers
And right after - Choose a New Wallpaper > Live
Yes, that's what I did. It shows two wallpapers but the still another wallpaper. That's animated that I don't know how to change
Okay, I'll try that one more time
Sure, please try
Yes I just changed my locked wallpaper and unlocked wallpaper but still when I first look at my phone before unlocking does an animated third joker animation on my wallpaper, so how do I change that
Yes, I figured it out. Thank you!
Thank you as well, *****!
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