Updated: June 05, 2023
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I turned it on this morning and it came up blank and nothing i've done has changed that. how do i get it to work

Short summary:

  1. Ensure that your Kindle device is charged or connected to a power source.
  2. Press and hold the power button on your Kindle device for about 20 seconds or until the device restarts.
  3. Release the power button once the device restarts.
  4. Wait for the Kindle to fully boot up and respond.

Performing a hard reset can help reset the device's software and resolve minor glitches.


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Have you tried charging Kindle to see if that is a battery issue?


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Let's try performing a hard reset
Please, press and hold the power button for about 20 seconds or until the device restarts. This can help reset the Kindle's software and resolve minor glitches.

Customer Replay

it's responding and it's back. I did this earlier today and nothing happened but a blank page. Therefore - YES I DO LIKE YOU


Oh that's great!

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