Hello, thank you for using Howly.
To remove a person from your Netflix account, follow these steps:
I am in my Netflix account
Good. Now, click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
I did
Good. Now, follow the rest of the steps, please
I can't find settings what about Manage profiles
Yes, please check that tab
It depends on the device you are using. Could you let me know if you are following these steps using your TV, phone or PC?
Oh I found settings
Turn on profile transfers ?
No, you need to open Settings, then - click on the "Sign out of all devices" link
I am on my lap top .When I click on Settings nothing happens.I don't see a sign out mess.oonly
Ok, no worries. Just to clarify, would you like to sign out the person from your account on other device or just remove the User from your Netflix account when you access it?
Yes please ..remove from my
So just remove the User, right?
Instead that settings, try these steps now:
But please note, the main profile on your Netflix account cannot be deleted. Once you delete a profile, the viewing history and game saves for that profile will no longer be available.
Will I not be able to get shows I don't understand,What should I have done rather than remove her name
No, it means the viewing history and game saves for that profile will no longer be available. The profile you will delete, not your main one
I have done that
Thank you so much,you have been a big help
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