Updated: June 19, 2023
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by Jahed Torres
Tech Expert & Writer
832 resolved issues

HBI heal-n-soothe need to stop subscription

Short summary:

  1. Click on the following link: Cancel Heal-n-Soothe
  2. On the webpage, click on the "Create a letter of cancellation" button.
  3. Follow the instructions provided on the website to create your cancellation letter.
  4. Submit the cancellation letter as instructed.
Top answer

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
To cancel your subscription with Heal-n-Soothe, please follow this link: https://cancel.io/cancel-heal-n-soothe/
Please click on "Create a letter of cancellation" and follow the next instructions.

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Ok thanks have a great one and thanks


Thank you for choosing our service! Should you have any further questions or requests, do not hesitate to get in touch with us again. We’re more than happy to offer additional support whenever needed.
Have a great one!

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832 resolved issues
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