Updated: May 03, 2023
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by Viktoriia Yushkevych
Tech Expert & Writer
375 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Tablets, Gadgets, Apps

I'm trying to update to a Zoom newer version but I missed the update date and I can't seem to do it now.

Short summary:

To upgrade your plan on Zoom, follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Upgrade" button in the top right corner of the dashboard.

2. Select the plan that best suits your needs.

3. Choose the billing cycle (monthly or annual) and the number of licenses you need.

4. Enter your payment information and click "Upgrade Now."


Hello, thank you for contacting Howly! So, you need to update Zoom , did I get you right?

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Top answer

To upgrade your plan on Zoom, follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Upgrade" button in the top right corner of the dashboard.
2. Select the plan that best suits your needs.
3. Choose the billing cycle (monthly or annual) and the number of licenses you need.
4. Enter your payment information and click "Upgrade Now."

Customer Replay

I had a version that allowed me many hours on Zoom and I would like that again.
Where is the current plans tab?

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Thank you!!

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