Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Do you have access to your eBay account?
Okay, noted.
Did you try to contact the seller?
it came through to u
its ebay commerceuk
Not all sellers accept questions before you buy an item. If the seller accepts questions, you'll see Contact seller in the Seller Information section of the listing. Please, follow the link to log in to your account---> signin.ebay.com
Here's how to get in touch with a seller who accepts questions:
where is the seller info on what
on ebay
Please, log in to your account, open your order, and scroll down to check the seller.
yes i will try
im at purchase history
is that right
Yes! Can you see the wrong order there?
not wrong order there is no pick up number
Can you see the order you need?
yes i think so
woopeee thx
ur very helpful
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