Updated: May 27, 2023
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by Anton Khomyk
Tech Expert & Writer
993 resolved issues

Need Uber to get home

Short summary:

  1. Locate and open the Uber app on your mobile device. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
  2. On the main screen of the app, you will typically see a map with a "Where to?" field. Tap on the field to enter your pickup location. You can manually type in the address or use the "Set location on map" option to drop a pin on the map.
  3. After setting the pickup location, you will need to enter your desired destination. Again, you can manually enter the address or use the map to set the location.
  4. Depending on your location and availability, the app will display various ride options such as UberX, Uber Black, or Uber Pool. Choose the ride type that suits your needs by tapping on it.
  5. Review the details of your ride, including the estimated fare and the pickup location. If everything looks correct, tap on the "Schedule" or "Confirm" button, depending on whether you want to schedule the ride for later or request it immediately.

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Yes but it is erratic

What do you mean?

Customer Replay

Last time I used it waiting for a Lyct. Car never showed. I got a notice that my card is operational.
I have been waiting close to 90 minutes

Let's try to schedule a ride together.

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Top answer

To request a ride via the mobile Uber app, please follow the steps:

  1. Open the Uber app and look for the "Where to?" text in the middle of the screen. If you'd like to schedule a ride for later, please tap on the button with the clock to the right of that text, then set and confirm the desired pickup time.
  2. Type in the address you'd like to go to or select "Set location on map" below to manually place a pin on your destination.
  3. Select the ride type. The most common and affordable is UberX, which allows for up to four riders, but you may be offered different options, depending on your location.
  4. To confirm, tap the "Schedule" or "Choose" button down below, depending on whether you need a ride for later or immediately.
Customer Replay

ok. thanks

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