Updated: June 13, 2023
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by Vitalii Yovko
Tech Expert & Writer
648 resolved issues

My Siemens dishwasher sticks on the wash cycle and won't move on to the next phase

I have tried both the auto and quick cycles but the problem remains

Short summary:

  1. Locate the START button on the dishwasher control panel.
  2. Check for a "RESET" sign below the START button.
  3. If you see the RESET sign, press and hold the START button for 3 seconds.
  4. Wait a few seconds, then press the START button again to start the dishwasher.

Hello, thank you for using Howly.
Please, can you provide me with your Siemens dishwasher model?

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Do you have any error messages on the screen of your dishwasher?

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Can you reach the buttons at the moment?

Customer Replay

The dishwasher is in the room next door

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Top answer

Got it!
I need you to go to your dishwasher and look at the START button.
Under the button, you can see the sign RESET 3 SEC or RESET 5 SEC. Can you see it?

Customer Replay

Under the start button there is just on/off but there are 3 reset buttons to the right of the panel of buttons. When the machine wouldn't move on from the wash cycle, I pressed the 2 outer buttons which stopped the machine

Top answer

Okay, understood!
Please, try to perform a reset by pressing the Start button for 3 seconds. After resetting, please, restart the dishwasher.

Customer Replay

OK I am trying that out
I have started the machine on quick wash which normally takes 31 minutes. Do I need to stay on chat for that time?

No, you can close the chat and take a break. If the problem appears again, please, come back and we will continue!

Customer Replay

The machine completed the wash as it should so fingers crossed the problem has now gone away. Many thanks for your help and I hope I don't need to contact you again

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