Updated: May 26, 2023
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by Andrew Cheberiak
Tech Expert & Writer
732 resolved issues
Verified Expert in:
Smartphones, Tablets, Apps, Home network

My playlist of some twenty items, on youtube/downloaded from youtube has been deleted

How do I stop the deletion? How do I restore the items that have been deleted?

Short summary:

If you have downloaded videos to your smart TV, please be aware that the downloaded videos will only be available for 29 days. After this period, they will be automatically deleted.
Unfortunately, you need to re-download videos every 29 days


Hello, thank you for using Howly.
On what device you've had those videos?

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Hard drive on smart TV


You've used "Download" button in the YouTube app, right?

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Downloaded videos are available only for 29 days
After that you'll need to download them again

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Does this mean that all these will be deleted and the only way to retrieve them is to re-download them? After downloading, how do I preserve them for future use?

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Top answer

You can only download them for 29 days
Then you need to find those videos and download again

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After 29 days the re-downloads will also be deleted?


Yes, you need to re-download videos every 29 days

Customer Replay

Thank You. Is there no means be which one can retain material derived from Youtube for further use, beyond 29 days?


Unfortunately, YouTube doesn't provide options for that
You can create Playlists, so you'll have needed videos in one place

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