Updated: March 18, 2023
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by Viktoriia Yushkevych
Tech Expert & Writer
375 resolved issues
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just bought Canon pixma pro 200, disappointed cant get to print colour rich enough

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May I know your first name, please?

Customer Replay


Nice to meet you, *****!

Customer Replay

ive tried altering colour maagement from manual but still not achieving strength of colour


Noted, thank you!
You said, that you tried to do this using color management, correct?

Customer Replay

yes ive altered matching, contrast, brightness restored it to default etc etc dizzy now

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Customer Replay

the image on the card is my artwork and needs a really clear print

Did you do this in the "Printing Preferences"?

Customer Replay


Noted, thank you!
Can you check if ICM is unavailable for Color Correction?
You can find it in the "Printing Preferences"

Customer Replay

yes it is and ive tried it

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Do you know how to open a "Print dialog"?

Customer Replay

not sure

To open the Print dialog, you typically select Print... from the File menu of your application software.

Customer Replay

tried typing into my search bar but took me to image
i loaded the drivers ans software from canon instalation download online

Thank you for the info.
Can you open the document that you want to print?

Customer Replay


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Now, can you press "File"?

Customer Replay


What do you see now?

Customer Replay

usual poor colour print
colour still not rich enough looks washed out

Noted. Now can you do this again, but press "File info" instead?

Customer Replay

pressed file info

Can you send me a screenshot of what you see on-screen?

Customer Replay

Visitor uploaded: Screenshot.png
just printed with file info open and colour now ok
Will I have to do this every time

You can print again without "file info" and check

Customer Replay

dont know what magic you have done but its worked

Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Customer Replay

no you are a star, thank so much
have a great christmas x

Thank you very much!

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