Updated: May 26, 2023
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by Viktoriia Yushkevych
Tech Expert & Writer
375 resolved issues
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I need to find or create a pin for meta pay

Short summary:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your device.
  2. From your News Feed, tap the icon located in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. In the dropdown menu, select "Settings & Privacy," and then click on "Settings."
  4. On the Settings page, scroll down and find "Meta Pay" on the left-hand side. Tap on it.
  5. Within the Meta Pay settings, locate and tap on "PIN Settings" or a similar option.
  6. Look for the option labeled "Always Ask for PIN to Confirm Payments" and enable it by toggling the switch next to it.
  7. You will be prompted to create a PIN. Enter a PIN of your choice, following any specified requirements.
  8. Once you have entered your desired PIN, confirm it to save the changes.
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Hello, thank you for using Howly.
To set up a PIN for your Meta Pay follow these steps:

  1. Open Facebook app
  2. From your News Feed, click on the top right.
  3. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings.
  4. Click Meta Pay from the left, then click Settings from the left.
  5. Click next Always to Ask for the PIN to Confirm Payments to create a PIN.

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